Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dunnit made a Star

Well I finally finished it the other week. Ok Ok I've not been keeping up to date so what yer gonna do to me rubber stamp me or what.
At the week end I turned the biggie 50 yer big deal some rotter gave me a rotten cold or flu so did very little apart from sleep.
Hey where did that picture go it's run away Oh well better try again Hmm something is not working.
Well having finished the star I thought I better get done to doing one in ernest for my guild exhibition so its nearly done well it would be if someone had not given me this 'Orrible cold. I would have taken it to Guild to put up for show'n'tell and been there for the AGM too and been able to be there to take over as chairman (mad fool that I am).
Oh! so you decided to download Hummph pity you are in the wrong place just cannot get the staff these days. Ha gotcher now stay ok

I have found working with the Yarnshifter very enjoyable but you must keep an eye on what the threads are doing and beat them up and re beat them or you loose so much space. This one was fun to do but room to weave near the finish disappears very quickly if not kept an eye on it and beat it up regularly. Also because I spin soft yarn it frayed quickly in the middle so I had to be very careful not to break them but tis done now. As I have not finished the edges I could tidy it as it is and crotch the edges or I could turn it into a pyramid and crochet the edges together and stuff it as I go. Well all in good time.
Must finish the next one.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

More star trouble

Well as you can see it's just not right sob but lets put it down to the learning curve. So I spent a day unraveling this lot back half way up the point then beating up the weft a bit. After that started again weaving.
Today was a Guild committee meeting prior to our AGM on the 18th. I put my foot in my mouth and said I would stand as chairman what do they say only fools rush in or is it lambs to the slaughter. OH well must be mad.
Well I have been slowly progressing on the star it looks better I guess I will have to take some more pictures. I am nearly back to the same place as the above photo but it looks better an even space across the middle. Then when it is off I have to do another or 2 for the Guilds exhibition May 1st -13th which coincides with WSD national weaving spinning & dyeing week. I've still got to dye them when I have woven them I hope they will be finished in time.